Rapidshare Aesop Rock

Long Island, NY

Oct 19, 2016 Aesop Rock es un rapero underground y productor de hip hop de San Francisco, California. Sus trabajos han sido aclamados por su originalidad, intensidad y. Sep 02, 2006 This blog is about undeground hip hop music, with artists bios, discogs, rap album reviews, free rap / hip-hop mp3 download (rapidshare, etc), rap videos.

Artist: Aesop Rock Album: 'Labor Days' Release Date: 18 September, 2001 Label: Def Jux Genre: Underground-Hip-Hop, East-Coast-Hip-Hop, Abstract-Hip-Hop Mood: Thuggish, Hostile, Confrontatiotal, Menacing, Druggy Reminds Of: Kool Keith, Mr. Lif, Atmosphere, Rjd2, MF Doom What People Think:,, Definitely Worth Buying:, Tracklist 1. Save Yourself 4.

Flashflood 5. No Regrets 6. Dance Remix Songs Mp3. The Tugboat Complex, pt.

Bent Life 12. The Yes And The Y'All 13. 9-5ers Anthem 14. Shovel Your humble reviewer is not hugely invested in the state or the fate of hip-hop. A lot of folks are, though, sometimes to an unfortunate extent-- hip-hop spends almost as much time drawing lines and fighting over its own image as the punk and hardcore zines do, albeit more entertainingly. One of the results of this is that a whole lot of hip-hop records are basically about hip-hop: the mainstream stuff (aka 'real' hip-hop) offers up further meta-explorations of a few MC-persona archetypes, while the undie stuff (aka 'real' hip-hop) dedicates itself to the Ancient Skillz of crate-digging, battle rhyming, and either picking on the mainstream or spitting abstract jumbles of wordplay. The former is how we get stuff like P.

Diddy saying, 'I don't write rhymes, I write checks'; the latter is how we get stuff like the Anti-Pop Consortium, who sound godlike in ten second snippets but prove mind-numbingly tedious by fifteen. Aesop Rock is one of those MCs who have stumbled upon a blindingly intelligent solution to this state of affairs: he's ignored all of that baggage and made a record that's mostly about something. That something is work. Labor-- effort in its broadest sense-- is a topic he treats sometimes pedantically but often more thought-provokingly than not only the bulk of hip-hop, but the bulk of any genre.

It helps that Labor Days is as terrific a record as anyone could ask for, really, and you should buy it, and here's why. First: Aesop Rock is a terrific MC. His flow is rapid but clear; his interjections, double-time verses and sing-song bits are arranged with near-symphonic skill.

He's also calm and confident, avoiding both the egomaniacal swagger of a lot of mainstream and the egomaniacal jerkiness of a lot of underground, while nicking their finer points as well. Better than that: Aesop Rock's flow is brilliant, a combination of mindbending wordplay ('Who am I?' He asks, then answers: 'Jabberwocky Superfly!' ), in-rhymed poetics ('You won't be laughing when the buzzards drag your brother's flags to rags'), and surgically sharp, eye-rolling dismissals of anyone he disapproves of: 'If you had one more eye you'd be a cyclops,' runs one, 'which may explain your missing the premise.' Aesop Rock says more astoundingly intelligent things per minute than the entire combined rosters of a lot of other labels.