The Spear Program Shogi Software

Checkered board, pieces, and international notation. Pieces Shogi is normally played with wedge-shaped pentagonal pieces made of wood or plastic. With a couple exceptions, each physical piece represents a on one side, and it represents a on its other side. This makes the promotion or demotion of a piece as easy as flipping it over.
Promoted pieces are sometimes colored red, but this practice is not universal. Pieces may be represented by their full Kanji names, as abbreviated Kanji, which uses only one character for each piece, with pictures, with letters, or with movement diagrams. Pieces with movement diagrams are helpful only for beginners, and they are inessential with computer programs that will show you where pieces can move, as some do.
Once you know how the pieces move, it becomes more important to be able to quickly recognize the pieces, and that can be made more difficult with movement diagram pieces, which use similar designs for all the pieces. Kanji pieces are more easily recognized than diagrammatic pieces, and the best alternative to Kanji for westerners would be pieces with familiar, easily recognizable pictures. As the pieces are described below, they will be illustrated in full Kanji, in abbreviated Kanji, and in the Chess Motif style. Starting Pieces Promoted Pieces. The Pawn promotes to a Gold General. (Here the symbol indicates a promoted Pawn.) Rules • Black moves first.
For Yakuza 2 on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'The new Web site for Spear (The program for Shogi)'. S P E A R Sinusoidal Partial. SPEAR is an application for audio analysis, editing and synthesis. The analysis procedure. The program is still in a pre-1. Game Samorost 1. 0 stage.
(Although the pieces are not colored differently, the side moving first is normally called Black, and the side moving second is normally called White. Black begins on ranks g, h, and i.) • The object of the game is to checkmate the enemy King. • Perpetual check is forbidden.