Nslu2 Software

Nslu2 Software

Contents • • • • • • • Setup of unmodified NSLU2 in your LAN You can setup a NSLU2 in your LAN in two ways. If you have a Windows Desktop in your LAN, you can make use of the NSLU2 installation CD provided by Linksys. Superstamps Google. Just follow the steps on the Linksys manual in your box. Vinayaka Telugu Devotional Songs. (Remark: You have to deactivate the Windows firewall of the Desktop you are using, otherwise the setup software on the Linksys CD will not be able to find the NSLU2 in your LAN). If you don't have a Windows PC in your LAN you can do the initial NSLU2 setup by these steps: • Connect the NSLU2 to the mains adapter and connect the Ethernet connector of the NSLU2 with a patch cable with your switch or router in your LAN. Alternatively you can also directly connect the NSLU2 with your PC's Ethernet connector (this time use a crossed Ethernet cable).

Free Download Linksys NSLU2 NAS Firmware 2.3 R. This package contains the files needed for installing the Linksys NSLU2 NAS Firmware 2.3 R. Software and games. From Meteohub. Jump to: navigation, search. Otherwise the setup software on the Linksys CD will not be able to find the NSLU2 in your LAN).

• The NSLU2 has the static IP as factory default. To reach the NSLU2's web interface with your Browser, you have to switch your desktop/laptop to the same sub network (192.168.1.x). Therefore, give your desktop/laptop temporarily a satic IP in the same sub network, for example If your LAN already operates in the 192.168.1 sub network, this step can be omitted.

• Now NSLU2 should be reached from your desktop's/laptop's browser at '. The password is 'admin'. • Having access to NSLU2's web interface you have to give it an IP in the sub network you are usually using with your LAN. You can do that by naming a free IP address in your LAN's sub network or by setting the NSLU2 to DHCP mode, where the router will give the NSLU2 a free IP address on the next boot. Please make use of the web interface to set the new static IP or to set the NSLU2 to dynamic IP via DHCP option. Set net mask to ''. Gateway-IP can be left empty or you provide the IP of your router.

After that, please reboot your NSLU2 and set your desktop/laptop to its former IP values and sub network and restart your desktop/laptop as well. Flashing OpenSlug Firmware NSLU2 can be reached at the new IP provided in the previous step.

If you choose DHCP for your NSLU2 you have to inspect your router to get the IP address of the NSLU2 known. Most modern router do allow to give devices on the LAN fixed dynamic IP addresses based on their MAC. The NSLU2's MAC is printed on the outside of the box the NSLU2 was in when it was delivered to you. It is the colon separated number just below the serial number. To know the MAC is also useful to find the IP that the router has given to your NSLU2 in the router log files. When you have the IP, type it in your browser and go to the NSLU2's web interface.

Choose 'Administration' (user name 'admin', password 'admin') and select the sub menu 'Advanced' And there the item 'Upgrade'. Here you find a section to flash a new firmware to the NSLU2. In order to make a Meteohub from your NSLU2 use the firmware image 'meteohub-firmware-2.3.bin' from. Please notice that by flashing this non-Linksys image to your NSLU2 you will void your warranty. So all you do from this step on will be at your own risk.

Neither the author of Meteohub nor the authors of the OpenSlug firmware can be made accountable if your NSLU2 might turn into a useless brick caused by a bad flash or what so else. If you don't accept this risk, don't flash the image and forget about OpenSlug and Meteohub. Press 'Start Upgrade' and wait until the firmware upgrade is completed.

This may take about 5 minutes. After completion of the firmware flash, a message appears and the NSLU2 is rebooting, now with OpenSlug firmware in it.

If you get the error message 'not enough memory' when trying to flash, please shut down the unit. Disconnect all USB devices from the NSLU2 and restart again. Go directly to the firmware update Menu. Now it should do. If not, please look for Linksys firmware V2.3R63 on the web, as this version is known to do the job. Copy Meteohub Runtime Environment on a USB Stick You find the Meteohub runtime environment to download.

Use the 4GB NSLU2 Meteohub image. Download this software as a compacted RAR archive ('meteohub-vxyz-4GB.rar') and decompress it with winrar (on Windows) or unrar (on Linux). Resulting file is about 4GB in size named like 'meteohub-vxyz.dd'. Next you have to put this file onto the USB stick.

As this is not a regular file, but a multi-partition disk image, you need a special tool to make a low-level copy to the USB stick. Windows On Windows you need to download and run a special tool to do the required low-level writing to the USB stick.