Fat Shredding Program

No, this article isn't a gimmick. It wasn't written to fool people into thinking they can get shredded in only 21 days.

I call this program 'fast and furious' because: Fast - You are eating only 1/3rd of your daily calories before dinner. This will feel like fasting for most of you, and is only one step away from. Furious - Workouts are fast-paced, exhausting, exhilerating and calorie-burning. This workout and eating plan is a fat loss cycle based around a 21 day schedule.

Fat Shredding Routine

5×5 Workout – A Comprehensive Look. So if you are looking for a simple weightlifting program or workout routine that will. Here at Fat Shredding we’d.

It can be run once if you only need to knock off a quick 5-15 pounds, or multiple times if you have more weight to lose. 21 day cycle expectations This cycle is designed to. It can help you achieve that ripped or toned look you are after. During the first week of a reduced calorie and carbohydrate diet, you will flush a lot of excess water and lose weight rapidly. This is neither unhealthy, nor an indication of what your rate of weight loss will be like during weeks 2 and 3. With that said, men should expect to see an 8 to 12 pound loss during these 3 weeks, and women will likely lose 5 to 10 pounds. If you continue to run this program, your rate of overall weight loss will slow during the second and third cycles.

You have already flushed out quite a bit of excess water weight, so from this point forward the majority of your weight loss will be fat loss. Men should lose about 5 to 10 pounds during the second cycle, and women 3 to 6 pounds. These 21 day cycles are perfect for individuals who gained extra weight during the past 6 months, and need to drop just a little fat to get back to a more normal weight.

I don't recommend running these cycles more than twice, maybe three times max. So, if you're ready to look better at the beach, let's get moving.

21 day cycle basics Here are the basics of each 21 day cycle: • Limited Pre-Workout Meals - You will be eating lighter during the day, and consuming the bulk of your calories during a 4 hour window each night. • Resistance Training - There will be 4 gym workouts per week, focusing on limited rest between sets. • Cardio - Intense 15 minute cardio sessions will follow each resistance training workout. Additional cardio is optional, but examples are provided below.

This is not a beginner workout. If you do not have an understanding of the exercises used in this program, please take some time to learn them before attempting this plan. Also note that 2 eating plans are provided: a 2,100 calorie per day plan for men, and a 1,500 calorie per day plan for women. Here is a sample workout schedule. Gta Vice City Pc For Windows 7. You can play with the days anyway you want, as long as there are 2 days of rest in between upper body workouts, or 2 days of rest between lower body workouts.

• Monday - Upper Body Workout A • Tuesday - Lower Body Workout A • Thursday - Upper Body Workout B • Friday - Lower Body Workout B Rest between each set is exactly 30 seconds. Keep the same weight for each set of a given exercise. For example, when performing the dumbbell bench press, if you are using 50 pound dumbbells, use the same weight for each set. Make sure to pick a starting weight that allows you to perform the stated sets and reps. If you are unable to perform all the reps for each listed set, lighten the weight load the next time you perform this exercise. On the other hand, if a weight doesn't feel challenging enough, add weight the next time you perform this exercise. Optional cardio You can add in an optional cardio workouts: • First thing in the morning.

• On off days. • At least 4 hours before a resistance training workout, or at least 3 hours after resistance training. These optional workouts don't have to be boring. You can go for a walk, go hiking, swimming, running, do hill sprints, etc. 21 Day Shredding Workout Workout A Upper Body Exercise Sets Reps 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 8 Workout B Upper Body Exercise Sets Reps 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 8 Workout A Lower Body Exercise Sets Reps 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 30 sec Workout B Lower Body Exercise Sets Reps 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 15 Workout FAQ Do I have to use the dumbbell bench press?

You can use any dumbbell or barbell bench press variation. Do I have to use machine exercises? You can use any suitable dumbbell or barbell exercise replacement. Can I use pull ups instead of lat pull downs? Can I use barbell rows instead of seated cable rows?