Indian Flute Melody

On this page, Turtle Mound Flutes is pleased to provide 'flute-symbol' tablature for a number of traditional songs: folk music, hymns, old show tunes, etc. Unchained Melody Pan flute and guitar version Arranged by Inka Gold - Beautiful and so soothing. Find this Pin and more on Native Music, drums and flute. By jatartiste.

Story The following artists have graciously allowed the World Flute Society to offer to the flute community songs for free download. We thank all of the artists for their amazing generosity, incredible talent, and kindness. Note: These songs are for personal enjoyment only. The music on this page may not be used for any other purpose without the permission of the performer(s). Specifically, these songs may NOT be used for commercial purposes, unless specifically authorized by an individual performer or group. No exceptions!

Story Flutist: CD: Expedition Notes: This recording features bawu, tin whistle, low whistle, and melodica. It takes its name from the first transcontinental railroad in North America, largely built by Chinese and Irish immigrants. The whistles represent the Irish workers and the bawu represents the Chinese 'celestials,' as they were sometimes called in those days. Although technically not a flute, the bawu is a free reed instrument that is held like a western flute and is fairly accessible for the world flute enthusiast! Story Flutist: Todd Chaplin CD: Lochmara's Voice - Improvisations on the Native American Flute Flute: Southern Cross Flutes, black walnut G minor drone Notes: Lochmara Lodge, located in the Marlborough Sounds of Aotearoa, New Zealand, hosted Native American-style flute craftsman Todd Chaplin as its Artist in Residence in the Autumn of 2015. Flutecraft, music-making, and meditation among Lochmara’s breathtaking natural beauty led to the recording of remarkable solo flute improvisations that, blended with the in situ soundscape of forest and coast, river, and rain, birdsong, and bees, are released as the CD, Contact Todd for more information.

Unchained Melody Indian Flute

Story Flutist: Todd Chaplin CD: Lochmara's Voice - Improvisations on the Native American Flute Flute: Northern Spirit Flutes, A minor Notes: Lochmara Lodge, located in the Marlborough Sounds of Aotearoa, New Zealand, hosted Native American-style flute craftsman Todd Chaplin as its Artist in Residence in the Autumn of 2015. Flutecraft, music-making, and meditation among Lochmara’s breathtaking natural beauty led to the recording of remarkable solo flute improvisations that, blended with the in situ soundscape of forest and coast, river, and rain, birdsong, and bees, are released as the CD, Contact Todd for more information. Solidworks Testversion Chip on this page.