Waves Cla Compressors Rapidshare

True classics from Chris Lord-Alge. This is the Waves Digital Download version. We process digital download orders as quickly as possible.

Waves and Chris Lord-Alge join forces to bring you impeccable models of four compressors considered true classics by audio engineers the world over. Waves CLA Classic Compresso, BIOS 89 - On A Trance Waves # 124 [Vocal Session Part 2].

You'll receive your authorization code and download link by email (may take up to 24 hours). The Waves CLA Classic Compressors - TDM includes 4 classic compressors. True classics stand the test of time.

Chris Lord-Alge is a true classic. Over the course of a career spanning almost three decades, he has worked alongside many artists who are classics in their own right.

Dave Matthews Band. Brian Setzer.

Waves Cla Vocals

Peter Frampton. Steve Winwood. Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five. And many others. Now, Waves and Chris Lord-Alge join forces to bring you impeccable models of four compressors considered true classics by audio engineers the world over. CLA Classic Compressors CLA-2A Modeled on the legendary electro-optical tube compressor, the CLA-2A emulates the original's smooth, frequency-dependent behaviors that have made it a favorite of engineers everywhere. Like the mid-'60s classic, the CLA-2A sounds great on guitars and bass, and really shines on vocals.

Top it all off with Chris Lord-Alge's personal presets, and seemingly limitless instantiations, and you've got a model that surpasses its inspiration. Features ¢Compressor and Limiter modes ¢Zero latency ¢Sidechain frequency filter ¢Up to 24bit 192kHz resolution ¢Mono and Stereo components ¢Supports TDM, RTAS, Audio Suite, VST, AU ¢PC and Mac compatible CLA-3A Based on the early '70s solid-state unit known for its unique and highly transparent compression curve, the CLA-3A delivers the quick response and the subtle harmonic distortion for which the original is world-renowned. And just like the original, the CLA-3A is the bomb on bass, as well as on guitars and vocals. But unlike the original, you can fire up as many instances as your system can handle!

Features ¢Compressor and Limiter modes ¢Zero latency ¢Sidechain frequency filter ¢Up to 24bit 192kHz resolution ¢Mono and Stereo components ¢Supports TDM, RTAS, Audio Suite, VST, AU ¢PC and Mac compatible CLA-76 ('Blacky' and 'Bluey') Inspired by two highly-desirable revisions of the famed mid-60s Class A line level limiting amplifier, both versions of the CLA-76 ('Blacky' and 'Bluey') offer the superfast attack (as quick as 50 microseconds!) that made the originals studio legends. With an exclusive 'ALL' control that recreates the original's explosive 'All-Ratio-Buttons-In' mode, plus modeled pre-amp distortion for that extra edge, the CLA-76 delivers some of the most powerful drum sounds imaginable! Features ¢Superfast attack ¢Exclusive ALL control ¢Pre-amp distortion modeling ¢Zero latency ¢Up to 24bit 192kHz resolution ¢Mono and Stereo components ¢Supports TDM, RTAS, Audio Suite, VST, AU ¢PC and Mac compatible.

Ace Ace_engine.exe there. CLA-2A replicates the smooth, frequency-dependent behaviors of the legendary electro-optical tube compressor to produce great sounds on guitars, bass, and vocals.