Voting Program In Excel

Find out more about how your can incorporate Doodle’s voting software free into your everyday life. Oct 01, 2008 Let say 'Given the following 10 cars vote for you. If you have excel. Im to write a program in c++ that the user inputs a weeks of temperatures. Voters can vote from any location. What Is The Zip Code For Al Ain Uae Apartments. Save time by importing your voters and ballot from an excel spreadsheet. You're always in control with Election Runner. Our program will count and sort not only participant voting, but judged, and class events as well. “Best of” awards are no problem for Car Show Software which.

Macro Program In Excel

Inside a U.S. Election Vote Counting Program (reformatted) (original here, server overload possible, so be patient) July 8, 2003 By Bev Harris (author of the soon to be published book ) A Diebold touchscreen voting machine Makers of the walk right in, sit right down, replace ballot tallies with your own GEMS vote counting program.

Introduction For both optical scans and touch screens operating using Diebold election systems, the voting system works like this: Voters vote at the precinct, running their ballot through an optical scan or entering their vote on a touch screen. After the polls close, poll workers transmit the votes that have been accumulated to the county office. They do this by modem. At the county office there is a 'host computer' with a program on it called GEMS. GEMS receives the incoming votes and stores them in a vote ledger. But then, we found, it makes another set of books with a copy of what is in vote ledger 1. And at the same time it makes yet a third vote ledger with another copy.

The Elections Supervisor never sees these three sets of books. All she sees is the reports she can run: Election summary (totals county-wide) or a detail report (totals for each precinct).

She has no way of knowing that her GEMS program is using multiple sets of books, because the GEMS interface draws its data from an Access database, which is hidden. And here is what is quite odd: On the programs we tested, the Election summary (totals county-wide) come from the vote ledger 2 instead of vote ledger 1. Now think of it like this: You want the report to add up ONLY the ACTUAL votes.

But, unbeknownst to the election supervisor, votes can be added and subtracted from vote ledger 2, so that it may or may not match vote ledger 1. Her official report comes from vote ledger 2, which has been disengaged from vote ledger 1. If she asks for a detailed report for some precincts, though, her report comes from vote ledger 1. Therefore, if you keep the correct votes in vote ledger 1, a spot check of detailed precincts (even if you compare voter-verified paper ballots) will always be correct. And what is vote ledger 3 for? For now, we are calling it the 'Lord Only Knows' vote ledger. From a programming standpoint there might be reasons to have a special vote ledger that disengages from the real one.

From an accounting standpoint using multiple sets of books is NOT OKAY. From an accounting standpoint the ONLY thing the totals report should add up is original votes in vote ledger 1. Proper bookkeeping NEVER allows an extra ledger that can be used to just erase the original information and add your own. And certainly, it is improper to have the official reports come from the second ledger, the one, which may or may not have information erased or added. Detailed Examination Of Diebold GEMS Voting Machine Security (Part 1) CAN THE VOTES BE CHANGED? Let's go into the GEMS program and run a report on the Max Cleland/Saxby Chambliss race!

(This is an example and does not contain the real data.) Here is what the Totals Report will look like in GEMS: As it stands, Cleland is stomping Chambliss. Let's make it more exciting! The GEMS election file contains more, than one 'set of books.'

They are hidden from the person running the GEMS program, but you can see them, if you go into Microsoft Access. You might look at it like this: Suppose you have votes on paper ballots and you pile all the paper ballots in room one. Then you make a copy of all the ballots and put the stack of copies in room 2. You then leave the door open to room 2, so that people can come in and out, replacing some of the votes in the stack with their own.