Manually Purge Wsus Database
Problem: Your susdb.dbf is huge. You’re maybe running out of space. Solution: (h/t ) WSUS is both a very useful beast and a wild one: It allows you to manage a huge number of Windows workstations to keep your PCs updated and your network secure, yet it itself can be quite hard to manage. It has built in clean-up tools for removing old, obsolete or superseded patches, but nothing to help you manage the database itself, which can grow to quite an alarming size.

Phase 6 2 1 Keygen here. If you run a Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server, you know that sometimes it can develop problems. Specifically the WSUS database can need a manual clean up. How to completely wipe WSUS and start again. To re-install WSUS with a clean database i.e. You will also need to manually delete the file C.
This is how to properly clean up a WSUS server that is critically out of space, and reduce its database size by almost 90%. See if you can reclaim some space using conventional means The first you may know that your server is in trouble is that it only has a few meg free and some services are failing. WSUS, by default, places its database and downloaded files on your system drive, which can leave your server in a critical state. You can use a tool like to remove temporary files and old server system updates to give yourself some breathing space. Use the WSUS Cleanup Tool to remove updates that are no longer needed Under “Options” in the WSUS admin tool, you can find the cleanup wizard. This does not necessarily remove disk files you would expect and can need some encouragement by manually “unapproving” updates under “All Updates”. Soufflez Vous Saurez Pdf.
Follow the steps to deselect updates you don’t ever want and remove all updates from disk. By removing all updates from disk and running a reset, it will start downloading those updates again; this delete is nothing to worry about. It would be best to stop the WSUS service after this step. Stop the WSUS service The service is stopped via the IIS Manager, as it runs as a web site. Taming the database – installing the right tools By this point, you will hopefully have recovered a few gig of disk space.
In my case, I still had the problem of the WSUS Database itself being 30Gb. This was after a couple of years of use with maybe 50 PCs – so a fairly small site. The database in WSUS is an embedded SQL Server database (SQL Server Express). It can be managed via SQL Server Management Studio. You can download this for free from. Note: There are many versions of Management Studio. After many problems downloading versions that couldn’t be installed on this particular server due to its particular configuration, version, patch level etc, I found Management Studio 2005 worked a treat. Your mileage may vary and it is worth persevering until you find an appropriate working version.