Games Similar To Nostale
Oct 25, 2008 I want something a bit 3D-ish like nostale, but not strong 3D effects because my computer laggs much, please no maplestory, something liek ragnarock. 50 Games like NosTale for PC Windows, daily generated by our specialised A.I. Comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms. This list includes. Play NosTale, the game. If you love a challenge, work your noggin with tricky puzzle games like Mahjong, or invite friends for a multiplayer tussle game online. 50 Games like NosTale for PC Windows, daily generated by our specialised A.I. Comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms. This list includes.
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Or The Tale of Nomads of Silver Spirit is a Free-to-Play Browser-based Action-Adventure and MMORPG video game. The game provides with a great number of player characters, classes and language support for various locations of the world. You start out as a normal adventurer whose only objective is to stop Fernon from destroying the world by the use of his dark powers.
To complete your objective you must first select a suitable player character for yourself, learn how to fight, gather up a strong team of warriors in your guild and fight against your enemies to defeat them and save the world from plunging into darkness. NosTale allows you to go on different adventures and quests to strengthen up your skills and use them against your enemies.
Other great features of the game include PvE and PvP events, different kinds of monsters to capture and train, a lot of exciting game levels, easy controls and user interface and an engaging game-play. NosTale is a brilliant MMORPG to play and enjoy.