Golden Axe Curse Of Death Adder 3.0 Setup
Finally, the versione 3.0 is out! Now Golden Axe Genesis is compatible with OpenBor 3, Windows 7 and 8. But the version 3.0 is also an upgrade to all gameplay. Golden Axe Curse of Death Adder 3.0 setup: Logiciel: tweet-adder-twitter-adder-pro-3. Android Bluetooth Serial Port Baud Rate. 0: Logiciel: Tweet Adder Twitter Adder Pro 3. Msts Metro Paris. 0: Logiciel. Download Golden Axe: Curse Of The Death Adder BOR (CDI) • Homebrew Games @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource.
Today I re-upload all games, because before in the games were deleted go.wav block.wav and land.wav. Go.wav is the Go Go sound effects when prompt you to move on the next screen, block.wav is the character block move sound effect This happened because I used my tool to clean the dead music files stuffed inside the games to reduce the file size and accidentally I cleaned go.wav block.wav and land.wav. This will not stop the game to work but you will not hear this sound effect in the game. About 70-80% of the games was affected by this bug So I fixed everything, now all games are OK So if you have downloaded games from my collection before, please download it again to be sure you have last fixed game Sorry for inconvenience P.S. 'Final Fight - Heroes v7.4' is fixed, last level screen coordinates were beyond and game stuck, now is OK. They are 166 games. I can't make & support 166 individual topics for every game, but if someone is eager, I'll give him the files It is 'funny' file type because hosting limitation.