Censor Bleep Sound

I’m giving away a free censor beep sound effect for everyone to use on there next video with violence. Vip On Meez here. I got tired of looking all over the internet for a simple beep sound effect online, so I decided to recreate the sound in Audacity and give it away for free. The reason why there are different audio lengths to choose from is because the sound becomes choppy when you loop it. This sound should be the same one they use on TV. Wiikey Fusion Gamecube Installation Guide on this page. To create this same sound in Audacity, all you have to do is Go up to “Generate” in the menu bar and click “Tone” then, where it says “Frequency/Hz” type in the number “1000” then click “Generate Tone”.
Cisco Sccp Protocol Pdf. You can also watch the tutorial on how to make it in Audacity by clicking the link below. Hope this helped! Thanks for Watching. Created By: Roberts Productions Studios.