Xatax Game Play

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Xa Tax Game

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Since the year 2200 there was no war and almost every weapon was dismantled. In the year 2437, Xatax appeared – a huge bio-mechanical being consuming everything it encounters, atacked the defenceless earthlings. Then, when all hope was lost, a spaceship able to attack the Xatax was found. That is the story of Xatax.

Now you can forget it because you won't need it. Xatax is just another side-scrolling space shooter with huge fleets of enemies coming against one small ship - you. It has very simple gameplay. Good thing about it is that the difficulty settings really change the game experience, so you can play on easy mode with one hand tied to a chair, whereas the hard mode will be quite a challenge, even for the most skilled of players.

Xatax features very nice and colorful graphics, but unfortunately only with minor changes throught the whole game, so it can get repetitive after a while. Sounds and music are rather poor. There are only very few sound effects and the music is there only to irritate you. Personally, I recommend you to switch it off immediately. Overall, this game introduces nothing new to the genre. It has usual powerups and repetitive gameplay.

It's absolutely average game so it gets an appropriately average rating. Android Bluetooth Serial Port Baud Rate here.