Travian Server Script File

Sep 29, 2012 I have multiple sql scripts files and I want to run them in a bat file for ease of use in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. How do I do that in steps by steps? So I’ve updated the script to add some useful features. I’ve updated the code with the new Travian server names and I incorporated a little bit of error.

$AppConfig = array ( 'db' =>array ( 'host' =>'localhost', //your host:) 'user' =>'root', // your mysql user 'password' =>'password', //your mysql password 'database' =>'database', //database nameAnd one of important lines: 'installkey' =>'installgame', Go to 'and you will install DBOOR version, to your mysql server.:) How to creat Natars? 'calltatar' =>'showtatar' Go to 'and you will create Natars on your server.:) TravianZ (install.) On this version, all server install is easy. Just uploud server files to your server 'public_html'. And go to install folder ex. 'and thats all.:) IMPORTANT CHMOD install and GameEngine.
CHMOD '/install/include' folder and '/install/include/wdata.php' '/install/include/oasis.php' '/install/include/multihunter.php' '/install/include/database.php' Alrait, what can bee errors? Errors can bee wit Oasis populate:) When you install the server, and Oasis populate step, don`t go next. You must change some lines, and just go to '/GameEngine/Admin /database.php' and change this lines. Rusted Root When I Woke Zip. Hello, I would like to show you how to install travian server. (For those who do not know.) First we need a good server pack. Server file are some types: 1. TravianZ (T 3.6) 3.
T4 Where we can download this? DBOOR (install). On this version, you need go to '/app/config.php' and configurate some lines: And one of important lines: 'installkey' =>'installgame', Go to 'and you will install DBOOR version, to your mysql server.:) How to creat Natars? Drivers Cibox Hd.
'calltatar' =>'showtatar' Go to 'and you will create Natars on your server.:) TravianZ (install.) On this version, all server install is easy. Just uploud server files to your server 'public_html'. And go to install folder ex. 'and thats all.:) IMPORTANT CHMOD install and GameEngine. CHMOD '/install/include' folder and '/install/include/wdata.php' '/install/include/oasis.php' '/install/include/multihunter.php' '/install/include/database.php' Alrait, what can bee errors? Errors can bee wit Oasis populate:) When you install the server, and Oasis populate step, don`t go next.
You must change some lines, and just go to '/GameEngine/Admin /database.php' and change this lines. Icheat V3.0 (32 Bit).exe Bcnherwbz.