Program Panelview 300

Hi Micky, What does RS-232(DH-485) mean? Is that a 232 port or 485 port? And what is the differnece between RS-232(DH-485) and RS-232 (DF1)? Last time I did ask a similiar question about the communication cable between 2711-K3A17L1 and ML1100, thanks for the answer again. I didn't not have a real 232 port in my laptop, but I used a in-line usb 232 converter and programmed the pv300 with no problem. Just got a little bored plugging and unpluging one end of the communicating cable (NC21) from the PLC to the laptop again and again.
Hi Micky, What does RS-232(DH-485) mean? Is that a 232 port or 485 port? And what is the differnece between RS-232(DH-485) and RS-232 (DF1)? Last time I did ask a similiar question about the communication cable between 2711-K3A17L1 and ML1100, thanks for the answer again. I didn't not have a real 232 port in my laptop, but I used a in-line usb 232 converter and programmed the pv300 with no problem.
Just got a little bored plugging and unpluging one end of the communicating cable (NC21) from the PLC to the laptop again and again. Download Exploring Corporate Strategy. RS232 is an electrical spec.( the familar 9 pin connection) DH485 is a protocol which uses RS485 specs. So RS232(DH485) is RS232 9 pin port with RS485 specs with DH485 protocol. The difference between RS232(DH485) and RS232(DF1) is same electrical spec.( 9 pin port) different protocol. I'm sure it all makes sence now?? I know I didn't explain that to well, maybe someone else will jump in and do a better job. Writing is not my best skill.
I'm having trouble connecting my Panelview 300 Micro to my PC - I'm using a 1761-CBL-PM02 cable. Anyway when I use RSLinx I added the panelview as a RS232 DF1 device and then used autoconfigure (successfully). The resulting node appears as a workstation using DH-485 (i.e.
Allen Bradley Panelview 300 Micro Manual the Allen-Bradley® MicroLogix™ and Micro800™ families. The integrated Table 1 - Technical Specifications - PanelView. [Text] PanelView 300-downloading program LIVE PLC Questions And Answers.
It is detected but.) that I cannot communicate properly with. If I force the device to use DF1 then it simply can't find the node at all. (Tiis is on Com2). The Panelview definately uses DF1 firmware (at least that what it says on the configuration screen). I have a CompactLogix controller connected and communicating with the other com port (Com1). The panelview micro itself has a panelbuilder program loaded in it that displays a 208 error whenever I connect to the PC or a new CompactLogix controller. I've been told that because the program on the controller doesn't have the same tags as on the panelview that this error will occur but I can't even connect the panelview to my PC to reprogram it.
Is there anyway I can clear the program on the panelview so I can reprogram it? I think I need to start with getting the device to look correct with RSLinx but I don't know what to do there. Any suggestions? According to AB Knowledge base: 'Downloading to a RS232 (2711-xxx5 or 2711-xxx9) panelview from the panelbuilder software requires configuring a 1747-PIC driver in RSLinx or Interchange. The 1747-PIC driver communicates using the DH485 protocol over a RS232 electrical connection. Use one of the following cables to connect the computer communication port to the RS232 panelview: 2706-NC13, 2711-NC13, 2711-NC14.'
I guess I'll try that. ------------------------- Yeah that's except for the 300 Micro - AB says: '8-pin mini DIN to 9-pin D-shell (null modem in the cable) 300 Micro to SLC Ch 0, AIC+ Port 1 or computer MicroLogix to AIC+ Port 1 or computer SLC Ch 0 to AIC+ Port 2 1761-CBL-AP00 45 cm/17.7 inch 1761-CBL-PM02 2 meters/6.5 feet 2711-CBL-PM05 5 meters/16.4 feet 2711-CBL-PM10 10 Meters/32. Hp Ewa Keygen Manager more. 7 feet' I used the 1761-cbl-pm02and AB says that works for the 300M to computer - I must be doing something else wrong. Anyone have any ideas? Okay, take a deep breath. The 1761-CBL-PM02 is fine for upload and download to the PanelView 300 Micro. I have it connected between my COM4 and the PanelView right now as I type.
The driver you want in RSLinx is the DF1 Full Duplex driver. If Autoconfig works, you're definitely hooked up right. Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl 1.005 Nocd Crack. Now the browsing can be a little bit confusing.
The PanelView will show up as a little touchscreen icon, and RSLinx will show up as a Workstation. The driver label in RSWho says 'AB_DF1-1, DH-485'. Okay, now listen carefully. The 'DH-485' label on the driver is WRONG. There is nothing DH-485-like going on in your driver. The reason that label is there is that the driver is intended for SLC-5/03 class devices that historically use DH-485.