Launcher.exe 3.3.5a

Hello, I recently decided to get back into playing Tera again but unfortunately I cannot start the game. Whenever I attempt to run the launcher I get a windows error box that is named 'Launcher Already Running' with a text box that says 'Failed to initialize the web browser.' I have tried reinstall the launcher along with running everything as administrator along with everything in the support article regarding this issue, but nothing appears to be working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Download Wow.exe 3.3.5a

Thanks, Gladewalker. Going to have to split this into a couple of posts due to max character limit. Doing this only gave me a host.developer in my directory, none of the other three were created. I will post the host.developer to try and see if you can help me any further.

EmuCore v0.52 ====[Memory Init]============================================================== Memory Initialized (Maximum) =============================================================================== Version: TERA-Launcher.exe /debug 184 active MIME types WebServer thread running Loading bundle app (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe) ( WebServer Listening on Added url to whitelist (localhost). Added url to whitelist ( Added url to whitelist ( Response code set [/app/app.config.xml:200:4250] Added url to whitelist ( Added url to whitelist (

Added url to whitelist ( Added url to whitelist ( Added url to whitelist ( **** Unable to open filename (language-en-us.xml) in (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe) **** Unable to open filename (language-en.xml) in (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe) **** Unable to open filename (language-us.xml) in (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe) **** Unable to open filename (language-en-us.xml) in (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe) **** Unable to open filename (language-en.xml) in (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe) **** Unable to open filename (language-us.xml) in (c: Program Files (x86) TERA TERA-Launcher.exe).

Launcher will not start. Version: TERA-Launcher.exe /debug 184 active MIME types WebServer thread running Loading bundle app (c: Program Files. World of Warcraft Custom Bulid ( wow.exe ) Client who deals with modifications, could be useful in a unique custom wow.exe Build number. If the client is unique, then.

I'm having the same issue. I've reinstalled WOW and it defaults during instillation to the public user folder. After downloading the entire game client from online I go to the WOW directory and there is no Launcher.exe listed. I've run windows search for the launcher in every folder to include indexes with no luck. After multiple searches online to fix the problem this forum post is the best I have found but with no clear cut solutions. Blizzard has people that are stupid smart working on their teams and I KNOW someone has to have a viable solution. Any help would be great!

I'm having this problem. Game Of Throne Game Repack. What the support page is telling me is to delete the folder in program data? What I'm piecing together from the page and your comment Omrakos is making sense, thank you! I will post if the problem persists.

Try doing this: 1) Delete all of the launcher files first though, not just the launcher.exe. 2) Close any Blizzard programs (Agent, game launcher, and game installer).

Restart if it's easier for you. 3) Download the Wow client installer from: 4) Make sure to configure Windows to Show Hidden Files and Folders. 5) Navigate to the folder: Windows XP: C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Windows Vista/7: C: ProgramData 6) Delete these two file/folders: Agent ->Agent.db Setup ->wow_enus This is to fool the installer into thinking Wow is not installed (bare with me here) 7) Navigate to the World of Warcraft directory and delete the WoW.mfil, WoW.pfil and WoW.tfil files 8) Then use the game installer You downloaded in step (3). When asked for an install location just point it to your wow folder It should then see your missing your launcher files and restore those. It should see the data you already have installed and just do a file check on your installation.