Interchange Intro Teacher's Book

Wamp Php 5.2.17 here. • Title: Interchange, 4th edition: Level 1 Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM • ISBN: 175• Item #: 8670• Author: Jack C. • A proven multi-skills syllabus• A focus on accuracy and fluency• Contemporary, real-world topics• Natural, conversational language• Grammar in communicative contexts• Task-based listening activities• A thorough pronunciation syllabus• Frequent learner-centered progress checks• A new interactive DVD-ROM in the back of the Student's Book for self-study practice, includes full class video and video exercises• The online is a companion, self-study website which offers free interactive activities, and additional practice for students Customers who purchased this item also bought. - Interchange Fourth Edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Interchange Fourth Edition interleaved, spiral-bound Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM, Level 1 features complete teaching instructions. Interchange Level 1 Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM. Interchange Fourth Edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. Gti Racing-detonation*. The Interchange Fourth Edition interleaved, spiral-bound Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM, Level 1 features complete teaching instructions, optional activities, audio scripts, language summaries, and Student's Book and Workbook answer keys. The Assessment CD/CD-ROM provides a complete assessment program, including oral and written quizzes, as well as mid-term and final tests in printable PDF and Microsoft Word formats.
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