Gone With The Blastwave Full

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'Because war can be boring too.' Is a webcomic created by Kimmo Lemetti. It follows a group of soldiers fighting (for reasons they're more than a little hazy about) in a ruined city of a world. It 'is not a very serious comic', having a lot of - the author advises you to 'think of it as a some kind of a parody' of more serious post-apocalyptic settings. It doesn't update very often at all, but not so much because of as because the author has decided not to try for a schedule - it's a side-project, and the update arrangements are unashamedly on a 'whenever-I-feel-like-it' basis. Was on a hiatus for almost a year, returned with the author promising an update once a month, twice a month if the readers bribe him, then slipped back into hiatus with few sporadic strips since. This webcomic contains examples of: •: The whole setting.

In the 2015 April Fool's Day comic, in which it's restricted to only the city which was nuked in 1985. •: There's a war going on. There are sides fighting each other.

Album tagged with and; uploaded by Mutacon. Gone with the Blastwave. Gone With The Blastwave is a webcomic created by Kimmo Lemetti. It follows a group of soldiers fighting (for reasons they're more than a little hazy about).

We dunno; they just are. •: 'Friendly fire you goddamn son of a b-' •: One with cats as soldiers. The 2015 April's Fool had the City be revealed as a 'historical preserve' showing the dangers of nuclear warfare, with the world outside being an idyllic. •: A good number of the characters we run across clearly don't have any idea how to do their jobs properly.

Played to the extremes with The Green Army as their ranks seem to entirely of these people. Manual De Antibioticoterapia Medcurso. •: Our nameless protagonists, being incompetent, psychotic, depressed, apathetic, or all four, really could care less about handling their guns properly. •: What everyone; Red, Blue, or Yellow, would be if they weren't all crippled by varying degrees of stupidity, disinterest, or incompetence. •: Many, but in here, it's mundane, since everyone is probably quite bored from the lack of direction and hope in general being stuck in a ruined city.

•: Lampshaded in •: The whole thing, really. •: The Reds appear to be constantly using this as a way to amuse themselves. According to,. •: Fun things to do:. •: the exact form ranges from to, but they're all a bit mad.

•: Pyro deserves a special mention for qualifying even by the standards of this setting. Which is impressive. •: Crosshairs to Pyro, most of the time.

Downplayed in that as previously mentioned, Crosshairs is closer to less insane man than. •: The three known factions in the war are simply called the Reds, the Blues, and the Yellows.

The story follows a group of Reds. The Reds and Blues aren't really characterized much more than that, though - they seem fairly interchangeable. Understanding Psychology As A Science Ebook.

The Yellows are said to have superior firepower, and speak a different language, but still seem to be just as lost as the other two sides. •: In fact, if it wasn't for the prominent comedy aspect of the comic, you'd probably say that all characters were. Instant Hr Software 2.0.94.

•: The Reds, Blues and Yellows all wear identical uniforms distinguished only by bright spot-colors. • As the series goes on, though, - The Yellows don't speak English and are shown to be far more numerous and supplied with tanks, while a brief conversation with a Blue soldier reveals that Blue rifles are sturdier and better-designed than Red rifles. •: Somehow manages to be both cute () and fully immersed in its black comedy in spite of. •: 'Will to live' is considered something of an optional extra. At one point Pyro's only objection to being used as an is that his fuel tank's explosion wouldn't be large enough to take out all the enemies.