Barn Buddy Game

Look after your friends' farms and grow some crops together! Or be naughty, steal their crops and add bugs and weeds to their. Barn Buddy is a free social farming game available on Facebook or MySpace, developed by TheBroth, where you can look after your friends’ farms and grow some crops.
• Barn Buddy can be played by clicking on the “Play Now!” button at the top of this page. You must have an active Facebook account in order to play. You can register for a free account here – Navigating the Screen • The left side of the screen lists your current weekly quest as well as current news on the game. • The top of the screen allows you to send gifts, invite friends, view the leaderboard, purchase Barn Buddy Credits, change your preferences, view the game FAQ, and visit the game forum and chat room. Wii Shop Games For 400 Points more.